Suffolk Fleece Doesn't Suck

Busy, busy, busy! We finally got around to posting our fleece for sale ad on a couple of fibre specific lists, and have sold 5 fleeces in the last hour.

This is really unbelieveable. All the farmers around here told us "You can't sell fleece - there's no market for wool!". They've been composting their fleeces after shearing!

This is perfectly good wool, too. The staple length is reasonable (3 or four inches) and ther's some nifty colorations. I can't believe folks were throwing them away before they even tried to sell them! Oh well. Looks like Hammerstead Farms will make a bit of money this month after all!

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The Right to Keep and Arm Bears

Well, this is the first time in a long time that I've actually wished I lived in California. You see, there's a new candidate in the recall election for Governor - and this is a man whose positions actually make sense!

States Rights: Get those pointy-headed Washinton bureaucrats off our backs and off our fronts too!

Dignity in the Legislature - replace 33% of the Assembly with ostriches!

Animal protection - full support for the right to keep and arm bears!

Robert Anton Wilson for Governor

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