Patents and Porn

We've mentioned this before, but this is the first time that they've exercised their legal muscle to extort a license. And make no mistake: extortion is their game. Acacia's not innovators, engineers or even entertainers: they're lawyers, and they're out to suck the lifeblood from the rest of the economy.

Patent holder unplugs porn network. A holding company with a stack of streaming media patents briefly shuts down a network of pornography Web sites in an ominous sign for mainstream providers of streaming Web content. [CNET - Front Door]

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Who Owns the Dewey Decimal System

One word: STUPID!

Where Did Dewey File Those Law Books?. Who knew that someone owned the Dewey Decimal System? Apparently not the owners of the Library Hotel, nestled in the shadow of the New York Public Library. By Michael Luo. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

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