Trading marks

American companies aren't the only ones obsessed by trademarks, copyrights and "intellectual property" ... from France (via CNN comes this tale of a handbag maker suing Google for trademark infringement.

Goolge's crime is showing links to other handbag makers in the sidebar when a user types in the company's name! Google acts as a search engione - this is exactly what search engines do! They search! Doh!

I wonder if this particular group of legal eagles has considered suing the French equivalent of the "Yellow Pages" or other categorized directory services or phone books. I wonder how this is done on Minitel? Maybe they're next in line for a lawsuit?

Simply stupid ...

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Yule Suggestion

(Pardon me while I address my lovely wife for a moment ...) Hey Kris! Sweetie! Honey! The Yuletide is fast approaching ....

The Complete Far Side Archive [Slashdot]

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This is a great little utility (I've used it for quite a while now - this is an update) that let's a Unix weenie like me put some nice GUI touches on shell scripts or any command line executable. It's quite a nifty little toolset to automate (and GUI-fy - is that a word?) the power in the OS X Unix system.

iHook 1.0. A frontend for Mac OS X command-line executables. [ - Mac OS X]

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