Does Race Exist?

Fascinating bit on race and the human diaspora out of Africa in Scientific American this month: Does Race Exist?

[via MyAppleMenu Reader]

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High Art

I normally don't post stuff from the Times, because it'll cost you a buck to read it in a couple of weeks, but this one's an exception.

This is passing for high art - fans love it and critics rave. The article proudly trumpets a line from a hit off her "dazzling CD":

"Jiggle, jiggle, jangle/ Watch how my gluteus dangle."

Need I say more?

How to Be a Pop Star Using the Missy Method. The counterintuitive career path of Missy Elliott, who just released another dazzling CD, is starting to look like the conventional wisdom. By Kelefa Sanneh. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

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