New Animal Resembling Furry Lobster Found

Strange critter, right up the alley that my third cousin, twice removed, the [in]famous B-movie director Harold Haxton used to frequent. A crawdad and a little faux fur from Wally World would've done the trick on the big screen, no doubt!

This photo released Tuesday March 7, 2006 by the IFREMER (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea) shows a new crustacean, called 'Kiwi hirsuta'. The eyeless shellfish, about 15cm long was discovered  in March 2005 during a diving mission led by American researcher Robert Vrijenhoek, of the MBARI Institut, Cal.,  in hydrothermal vents of the Pacific Antartic Ridge, south of Easter Island. (AP Photo/A Fifis; IFREMER)AP - A team of American-led divers has discovered a new crustacean in the South Pacific that resembles a lobster and is covered with what looks like silky, blond fur, French researchers said Tuesday.

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