An unthinking programmer's guide to the new C++

Arghhh!!! I think my head is exploding!

So what's all this about a new C++ standard, Verity?

(link) [The Register]

08:32 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Anarchy at Kroger?

Well, yesterday was grocery day, and we were running pretty low. A trip to the local Kroger was called for and made, but before checkout the wife had to make a facilities run, leaving me waiting near the cashier stand, by the books and candy displays.

Imagine my surprise when I found several printed copies of A Civilian's Guide to Direct Action scattered about on shelves and carefully inserted into some of the more apocalyptic novels on the rack.

It seems as though we are not alone in our political predilections in Boone County, Indiana, after all.

08:25 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Unsafe at any speed: Memcpy() banished in Redmond

Well, in my not so humble opinion as a long time C coder, this is pretty brain dead. Memcpy() already has a length parameter -

void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)

what good will adding another do? If you're brain damaged enough to misuse it as it is, you're probably going to be brain damaged enough to misuse it no matter how many additional parameters are added. As with any technology, it's not the tools that are the problem here - it's the way the tools are used.

A more colorful take is provided at

Memcpy() and brethren, your days are numbered. At least in development shops that aspire to secure coding.

(link) [The Register]

08:19 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link