Meeting Day

Today was the annual meeting of SWIFT - Spinners and Weavers of Indiana Fibers and Textiles. Lorraine, of course, had to be there. It's essentially a large "spin in", with more wool and spinnings wheels than you can imagine.

She had a blast, and since it was held at Connor Prairie, I got to visit a bit with my good friend Kevyn. He's got a fine yearling Horned Dorset ram that I'd like to stand to my Blackie girls later this year - we just might get something worked out.

I also got a chance to putz about in the city for a bit, a rarity for me, and went window shopping at a couple of electronics stores and browsed a used book emporium. The only purchase I made was at the book store: The Definitive Guide to Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials, which shows exactly how far sucked in I've gotten...

All in all, a very pleasant, very spring like day. It's about time.

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