US Senate clears hurdle to extend jobless help

Let's see if I understand this - the Democrats want to pass out money they don't have to the unemployed, saying it'll help keep'em on their feet and make them want to work. The Republicans say that if we keep giving them (the unemployed) any money, they won't want to work at all.

Until we talk about tax cuts - giving money they don't have to the wealthy among us will make them (the wealthy) want to work even harder. And the Democrats are saying that we should tax the shit out of the well-to-do because then they'll want to work harder to make up the difference.

What am I missing here?

The US Senate voted Tuesday to advance legislation restoring unemployment benefits to help some 2.5 million Americans ahead of November mid-term elections shaped by deep voter anger at high joblessness.

(link) [AFP]

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