Tue, 27 Dec 2005

Montana Beef Council promotes new cookbook

Note how this is funded: via a "check-off". That's bureaucratese for "hidden tax". Beef producers pay a $1 per head check off tax, and this is one of the projects it funds. Note that the cookbook isn't particularly "grass fed friendly" - it follows the governments guidelines for percentage of fat in cuts of beef, and therefore makes my meat appear much fattier than it actually is, putting my grass fed product on par with factory farmed feedlot beef. Lovely. If anyone out there is still suffering from the illusion that there's anything resembling a free market in US agriculture, stories like this should ally those apprehensions.

HELENA, Mont. - Just in time for your New Year's resolutions to eat healthier, balanced diets - great taste and nutrition come together in a new check-off-funded cookbook.

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