Wed, 13 Sep 2006

Poisoned pigeons disrupt city festival

What a bunch of morons:

"The death of these pigeons was more than an unfortunate accident," local CapitalOne Bank President Lacy McMillen said in Tuesday's online edition of Texarkana Gazette. "It was not the intention of the bank to harm any of these birds."

If you don't want to harm birds, don't feed them poison! As for the exterminators who actually placed the stuff, well:

Anti-Pest Co. Inc. of Shreveport, Louisiana, said its goal with the treated corn was to sicken pigeons, so they would leave the rooftop. Death was sometimes an unfortunate side effect.

Making pigeons sick won't make them leave, because sick and disoriented birds can't fly. If they try it, they generally end up in a nose dive. As the good folks of Texarkana found out.

If the bank is this idiotic about handling a pest problem, you gotta wonder how they handle their investments... if I were in Texarkana I'd be searching for a new bank to manage my money.

Poisoned pigeons began nose-diving into pavement and dying on downtown sidewalks, marring the city's annual festival. Authorities cleaned up more than 25 sick or dead birds that apparently had eaten poisoned corn from the roof of a nearby bank branch.

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/Agriculture | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 9/13/2006 20:30:12
Ash wrote

Tom Lehrer

On 9/13/2006 21:37:52
Dave H wrote

Ah yes


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