Thu, 25 Jan 2007

Premises registration will minimize losses, says Knight

Note that there's no explanation of exactly how NAIS is going to stop disease, only the bland assurance that it will "help". How? Sarpy Sam did a great little riff on this fallacy the other day.

As for the simplicity of premises registration, well, the government already has my premises "registered": I file farm tax forms every single year. The county health department issues me a license. The Indiana State Egg Board issues me a license - and I always have to list my address. Do I really have to fill out another form ...

Well, maybe not - according to Mr. Knight, it's all "voluntary". I just wonder if the USDA's definition of that word matches the IRS's. Betcha it does.

Bruce Knight, USDA undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs, urged livestock producers attending the American Farm Bureau Federation s 88th annual meeting to participate in a voluntary nationwide program that could help prevent an animal disease outbreak from becoming widespread.

(link) [The Prairie Star]

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