Thu, 12 Aug 2010

Farmers Lean to Truce on Animals’ Close Quarters

Not all farmers are factory farmers, and those of us who aren't are already doing things the right way. My concern here is twofold: first, HSUS is basically out to eliminate all animal agriculture. If you can pin down the animal rights folks, they'll admit it. And I wonder if the "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" principle might not be in operation here. On the other hand, Big Ag is very experienced politically, and can craft regulations and rules that can be bent and twisted to essentially void any good purpose.

Factory farming will only be finally eliminated when consumers demand it - and they'll only demand it if they're convinced it's better for them. That's why I give away a dozen eggs to new customers - one taste of a real egg and they'll never settle for factory eggs again.

Concessions by farmers in this state [Ohio] to sharply restrict the close confinement of hens, hogs and veal calves are the latest sign that so-called factory farming — a staple of modern agriculture that is seen by critics as inhumane and a threat to the environment and health — is on the verge of significant change.

(link) [New York Times]

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