Sun, 17 Oct 2010

You want flies with that?

Ya know, I would normally dismiss such stories as faked, or at least exaggerated, but this one, well, let me tell you a story.

Back in 1994, I happened to wander into a bait shop in Noblesville, looking to buy some fishing tackle. Displayed in the case, next to the cash register, was a McDonald's Cherry Turnover, looking pretty fresh. The only signage suggested that I ask for the story, so I did.

The owner of the shop had purchased the turnover and discovered a pit (or some foreign object) in it - he returned it to the store and asked for a refund. They refused, offering instead to replace it with another. He didn't want that - having found one contaminated food item he was leery of accepting another identical item for fear it would have the same problem - remember, we're talking less than a dollar here. After a heated discussion with the McDonald's manager, and no satisfaction, he resolved to simply inform people of the sloppy (and potentially dangerous) foods the restaurant was selling. He told the manager that he owned a shop, and would display the offending item and explain the situation to his customers. Which he, obviously, did.

The turnover was purchased in 1986 - 8 years before I saw it.

Vladimir Lenin, King Tut and the McDonald's Happy Meal: What do they all have in common? A shocking resistance to Mother Nature's cycle of decomposition and biodegradability, apparently.

(link) [Daily Mail]

Update: Natural News has more on this sordid tale ...

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