Sat, 15 Jan 2005

New prehistoric rock carvings discovered in Northern England

And exiting new find, indeed. The 'cup and ring' carvings mentioned are very common in the British Isles, and date from the time of Stonehenge and before. These new sites will help define the geography of their distribution, and consequently the cultural map of the prehistoric era.

More than 250 new examples of England's finest array of prehistoric rock art carvings, sited close to the Scottish border, have been discovered by archaeologists compiling a unique database. Now over one thousand of the 'cup and ring' carvings can be admired on a new website, which carries 6,000 images and is said to be the most comprehensive of its kind in the world. The site, which goes live today, includes the 250 panels unearthed during a two-and-a-half year trawl of some of England's remotest countryside, in the expansive moorlands of Northumberland.

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