Thu, 29 Jun 2006

Priest: Buffett is 'Dr. Mengele of philanthropists'

Bill the CatACK! Screed alert! I can't believe this! How hypocritical and detached from reality can people get? Gates and Buffet support family planning - that is, they support contraception, and the concept of a husband and wife having sex without makin' the bacon every time. They (well, the Gates Foundation, anyway) specifically forbid their funds to be used for abortion services. And for this the "right to life" movement goes bonkers!

That's because the "right to life" movement has little to do with anyone's life, and everything to do with a continual breeding program for humanity. They're against abortion, sure. But they're also unalterably opposed to any act that may prevent a baby from coming into this world - even if that child would be born into a grinding poverty the likes of which we in the West can hardly imagine.

"The merger of Gates and Buffett may spell doom for the families of the developing world," said the Rev. Thomas Euteneuer, a Roman Catholic priest who is president of Human Life International.

What spells doom for the families of the developing world, you ignorant twit, is your idiotic religious insistence on their dropping babies like bunnies. You, sir, and your church's dogma of unrestrained reproduction are the direct cause of poverty and pain in the Third World. The foundations are trying desperately to alleviate the pain you are causing, and for this you compare them to the most infamous murderer of the 20th century?

"Some of the wealthiest men in the world descend like avenging angels on the populations of the developing world," wrote Population Research Institute president Steven Mosher, a frequent critic of Gates and Buffett. "They seek to decimate their numbers, to foist upon vulnerable people abortion, sterilization and contraception."

Excuse me? One of the wealthiest institutions in the world has already descended upon them, destroying their native cultures and threatening them with eternal hellfire unless they continually breed themselves into misery and poverty. You guys really like poverty, don't you? Poverty and fear give you power. With the Western world sloughing you off as irrelevant, if you lose your iron grip on the Third World who will fill your churches (and your coffers)?

If you're truly interested in finding the 21st century version of Josef Mengele, may I suggest you start a bit closer to home. Forget Seattle. Skip Omaha. Try Rome.

Warren Buffett's new philanthropic alliance with fellow billionaire Bill Gates won widespread praise this week, but anti-abortion activists did not join in, instead assailing the two donors for their longtime support of Planned Parenthood and international birth-control programs.

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/Asatru | 3 writebacks | permanent link

On 6/30/2006 00:00:33
Stephen Williamson wrote

On 6/30/2006 12:50:49
Thorolf wrote

On 7/1/2006 19:23:33
Walter Jeffries wrote


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