Sun, 19 Dec 2004

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

The title of this post is undoubtably what will be read by some deranged cleric just before this poor child is executed. I can't imagine even the most rabid Christian fundie advocating the death penalty in this case, given the circumstances. But those didn't even slow down the mad mullahs in Iran: the letter of Allah's Law is quite clear in matters like this. If anyone still suffers from the delusion that Islam is a religion of peace, compassion and mercy, this should cure them.

Two women convicted of crimes against morality in Iran are facing imminent execution, one by being buried up to her chest and stoned, Amnesty International said last night.

One of the women, a 19-year-old with a mental age of eight who was forced into prostitution by her mother, is to be flogged and executed. An official said yesterday he was waiting for orders on whether to stone or hang her. The other woman was convicted of adultery and is due to be stoned to death this month in accordance with Iran's severe penal code.

(link) [The Guardian]

via Secular Blasphemy

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