Fri, 27 Feb 2004

Amazon Sued for Patent Infringement

Reading the fine print on Soverain's site discloses that they really don't have any "products" of their own. There's somethng called "Transact", which has no demo online, nor any list of users/ No docs, either, although they offer email and tech support. The product was acquired in a bankruptcy sale, and the company lists as "technical advisors" a firm called Serissa Research, which consists of the two original developers, one of whom is also listed as an inventor on the patents.

Would anyone care to wager that the rest of the company doesn't consist almost totally of lawyers?

Amazon's 10-K SEC filing discloses that the e-tailer has been sued for infringing on Soverain Software patents for Network Sales Systems (5,715,314 & 5,909,492) and Internet Server Access Control and Monitoring Systems (5,708,780)

(link) [Slashdot]

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