Sat, 23 Jul 2005

Putting the lock on CDs

Hey! Somebody in the MSM actually gets it! And identifies the real reason for Apple's iPod success:

These speed bumps may prove to be a stop sign for one important group: the owners of more than 20 million iPods, which are incompatible with the antipiracy software. Already in love with just buying single songs at iTunes, they'll have one more reason to tune out CDs.

The music biz is doing itself in, and I for one will shed no crocodile tears at their demise.

What could be easier? Pop a CD into any player and out pours the music. But those carefree days may be coming to an end--especially if you're accustomed to making digital copies of those disks for friends and family.

(link) [U.S. News & World Report]

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