RetroCoder Threatens Security Vendors

This is like selling a book, with a license that decrees you may not read it if you're a woman (or a minority, or blue-eyed, etc.). Totally against the spirit of copyright law, which, after all, governs publicly published works.

You can't have it both ways - either a work is published and copyrighted, or it's privately circulated under a license (or non-disclosure, etc.). If the latter, then copyright law doesn't apply, and there is no copyright. If the former, you can't restrict the publication to specific groups or individuals.

RetroCoder the company that brings you SpyMon, a commercial keylogger is trying to stop vendors of security software from looking at their software. RetroCoder uses a EULA that prohibits anti-spyware publishers / software houses from downloading, running or examining the software in any way. Essentially, they're trying to hide a key logger behind copyright law.

(link) [Slashdot]

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