Mon, 31 Oct 2005

Sony DRM Installs a Rootkit?

This dude is truly a Windows guru - I doubt that I could've managed to follow the trail as throughly as he did and get everything back to normal. Fortunately, there's a simpler solution. Don't buy DRM'd music or software. guru Mark Russinovich has a detailed investigation of a rootkit from Sony Music. It's installed with a DRM-encumbered music CD, Van Zant's "Get Right with the Man". (Mmmm, delicious irony!) The rootkit introduces several security holes into the system that could be exploited by others, such as hiding any executable file that starts with '$'. Russinovich also identifies several programming bugs in the method it uses to hook system calls, and chronicles the painful steps he had to take to 'exorcise the daemon' from his system.

(link) [Slashdot]

/Copywrongs | 4 writebacks | permanent link

On 11/1/2005 07:24:12
Arwin wrote

Where do you find non-drm'ed tunes

On 11/1/2005 07:41:29
Arwin wrote

Christian music

On 11/1/2005 21:10:18
Dave H wrote

DRM vs. Copy Protection

On 11/2/2005 07:40:03
Arwin wrote

Fire, Ready, Aim


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