Tue, 10 Feb 2004

Musharraf plea on honour killings

We'll see if this has any effect. I seriously doubt that it will - the whole attitude of monotheist religions towards women is nothing short of appalling.

Consider that Eve, in the Bible, introduced sin into the world and initiated the act of defiance that got humanity bansihed from Paradise.

Consider the how the accuser proves a rape occured in Pakistan today:

the ordinance requires four male Muslim witnesses to a rape before a conviction can be secured.

The president said that the Hadood Ordinance was a "very touchy and thorny issue" which required more public debate.

This isn't "touchy" at all: it's barbaric. Of course, if you can't prove it was rape, then it must have been consensual, and the woman will have to be killed to preserve her families "honor". No wonder there aren't many reported rapes in Islamic countries!

The Pakistani leader says crimes committed in the name of family honour will be dealt with the full force of the government.

(link) [BBC News | World | UK Edition]

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Raging Bee wrote

Saudi Arabia is in the same boat...


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