New Drugs Offer Hope to Addicts

You're addicted! Don't smoke that cigarette - take a pill! Do you just gotta have a drink? Put it down, take a pill instead!

Doesn't anybody else see the irony here?

By 2003, Brenda Moore was desperate to keep her promise. A smoker since age 16, she had vowed to her daughter two years earlier that she would quit; now, several failed tries later, young Tiffany had developed asthma. Then a Sunday newspaper ad caught Moore's eye, a call for volunteers to take part in the clinical trial of a new antismoking drug. For three months, Moore, now 40, took a pill daily and made regular trips from her home in Beattyville, Ky., to Lexington to be monitored. This time, things were different. "In the first two weeks I was taking the drug, I started to look at the cigarette differently," she says. "It literally took on a new nastiness."

(link) [U.S. News & World Report]

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