Tue, 15 Nov 2005

Severe storms roll across Midwest

An absolutely icky day - and to make matters worse, my windshield wiper motor in the new truck picked today to poop out. While I was driving down the interstate with a bunch of semis doing 70 mph in a driving rainstorm. Not fun, not fun at all.

But Kris was sick - she's got a nasty flu bug, so I did have a spare truck, and managed to get my route done. I guess the milkman's like the postman - "neither rain, nor snow nor dead of night shall stop me from my appointed rounds"...

The tornado sirens started after I got the Lebanon about 3pm .. no touchdowns, but it was a pretty green sky for a while. Then another wave about 5, and a third one a hour later. Most of the east pasture is under water - it'll either go down or freeze, as the cold front that's heading our way promises to drop temperatures rather dramatically - they're predicting snow showers tomorrow, with a high of 38°F - today's high was nearly 70°F.

Welcome to Indiana - if you don't like the weather, stick around a bit, it'll change. Drastically.

Just eight days after a deadly tornado struck southwestern Indiana, another strong storm system rolled across the nation's midsection Tuesday, producing funnel clouds in at least three states.

(link) [CNN.com]

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