Mon, 26 Jul 2004

What a Busy Weekend

I do believe that this is the first time since I started blogging in 2003 that I've missed posting for three consecutive days without being on vacation or otherwise 'away from the office'. I've just been too damn busy!

Friday I spent the morning out cleaning out the chicken coop - again. There were only 8 loads of shit to the compost pile this time, and the weather was cooler, so it wasn't that bad. But it's still hard work: chicken shit is heavy stuff! Most of the afternoon was taken up at the computer, finishing up Hammerstead's sales brochure, then it was off the the farmer market at Trader's Point.

Kris got there about 5:30 pm, and then took a courier run to Kentucky for some extra cash. I loaded up everything from the market (including what Kevyn had brought down) to take the the market the next morning in Thorntown - he had another event down south that he had to attend.

I got home about 9, unloaded, did the chores, and finally had dinner about 10:30 - figured I'd read for a while unitl Kris got home but I fell asleep in my easy chair about 11! Which was a good thing, in hindsight, because Kris didn't get home until about 3:30 am!

Saturday morning we got up at 6:30 and headed for the market at Thorntown, where we stayed until noon. Then is was the 'admin' stuff - post office, bank, grocery store. Saturday evening was out Thing's Tide celebration at Ravenswood - the yearly business meeting for our kindred. Poor Kris missed it this year - she was too pooped to pop, and stayed home and slept. First one she'd missed in eleven years!

Sunday was more shopping - we got a different kind of hoe to try on the bull thistles, and also found some strong vinegar at a photo supply house to use as an organic herbicide. This is in violation of EPA rules, I might add: and I don't care if it is documented here. The USDA reccommends the stuff for organic farmers, but the EPA won't approve it because it's not commercially manufactured for use as a herbicide, and no one will manufacture it until it's commercially approved! I firmly believe now that 'government logic' is an oxymornon.

The weather has been rainy and cool - almost cold (sweatshits in July yesterday). Today is some more web work and then back the coop - the meat chickens are taking their first (and last) road trip Thursday - we've been thinking about a different arrangement for the next batch, as I'm not gonna go thru the 'barn as chicken coop' bit again!

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