A Football Fantasy

I don't normally blog about sports: about the only thing I follow is football, and I'd certainly not classify myself as a rabid fan. But ...

I have two favorite teams: the Colts and whoever is playing the Patriots. Or, as we refer to them around our house, the "Eye Poking Cheaters", after the 2003 championship debacle, and the Spygate scandal earlier this year.

Frankly, after being caught cheating so blatantly, I would've expected that the man responsible, Bill Belichick, would've been banned from the game, or at least suspended. But apparently, the rules once more no longer apply to the league darlings, and so the Pats go up against the Giants tonight in their quest for a "perfect" season. If they win, I wonder if the Jets will request an asterisk be placed in the record books, as is done for cheaters in the baseball?

Be that as it may be, I find myself almost hoping for a Pats victory tonight, and a perfect run of the regular season. Because it'd make it that much sweeter when the Colts return to Foxboro for the 2008 AFC Championship Game and beat them, denying them their "perfect season".

Like I said, it's just a football fantasy...

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