Fri, 05 Nov 2010

A Sick Sheep

We've been dealing with a sick lamb for the past few weeks: Miniel (one of the twins pictured here) has had a bizarre problem. The wife has blogged  about it alot, her latest post being a call for general help and advice.

Some more research tonight has pretty well convinced us that she's suffering from a septic arthritis of some sort, and we're exploring all our options. It's becoming rather important to save this little girl. She has a nice fleece and would make a superb petting zoo denizen (due to size and disposition), but I've got to confess that the real reason is simple emotional attachment. Considering the investment in time and energy we've put into her already, it'd be unnatural not to be attached to the little bugger. So any advice is appreciated - leave a comment her or over at Dances with Ewes if you have any clue that might possibly help.

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