Wed, 13 Jun 2007


Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday, but I was busy fighting off what appears to be some sort of weird "attack" on the server. My web traffic to this blog has spiked over the last couple of days to levels unheard of, and most of the hits were pretty obviously from a botnet of some sort, hitting on date URLs. Some of them were munged with my PayPal donation form.

I have no idea why they were doing this: the way the URL's were constructed they couldn't have possibly thought they'd break into my PayPal account (and they didn't). What they did manage to do was to expose a flaw in the way Blosxom handles date URL's, which I have since "fixed" (read: "hacked and patched, sorta"). So if you have permalinks here that go to a specific date you may notice some weirdness.

I'll keep ya posted.

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