Tue, 15 May 2007

Must Blog

for those kind readers who've inquired via email about my health (or apparent lack thereof) over the course of the past two weeks. I'm alive, reasonably well, and busier than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest.

The full time job is really starting to take it's toll - two weeks is by far the longest I've gone without a post here since the inception of this blog in 2003. But, dammit, after coding all day, and coding hard, I might add, the last thing I want to do when I get home is to sit down at the computer and type away.

Additionally, I have been a bit disingenuous about certain things that have been happening in my life - disingenuous in the sense that I've not published every detail. Those who know me and can read betwixt the line will know of what I speak, but for the rest I can only counsel patience, for there are good reasons for my lack of forthrightness.

So I'm going to do some blogging tonight - but if I disappear for a week or two don't be too concerned.

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