Fri, 11 Sep 2009

A New Drivers License

For some reason, glanced at my own drivers license the other day and noticed to my horror that it had expired last January! A trip to the BMV was called for, and when I got there I encountered some strange new protocols.

First, because my license expired more than 6 months ago, I had to take a written drivers test. Annoying, but no problem.

All over the license branch were posters warning of new rules effective in 2010 - apparently Indiana is complying with Real ID, and it's gonna be a major pain in the ass to get renewed once that lunacy takes effect. But I have some time to get ready - new drivers licenses are valid for six years now, rather than the old four year term. Of course, the price better than doubled, but, well, what can you do?

But the most surprising change was when I was asked to remove my glasses for the picture. Without my glasses, I couldn't even see the camera! If you ever see me driving without glasses, get off the road! I was told this was for new "face recognition" technologies that will be deployed in all police cruisers next year. Yeah, that technology is soooo cutting edge!

I hope Otto von Hapsburg doesn't get pulled over in Indiana...

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