Wed, 08 Sep 2010

Pestiferous Kat

PK, the pestiferous cat...

This is PK, our Decorative (and pestiferous) Cat. She's not Functional at all - Moonbeam's the mouser. PK's job is to be, well, decorative. And she's good at it, as you can see. But things were not always thus ...

She started life in the barn - her mother disappeared shortly after she was born in 2007. She was the wildest barn cat of the bunch (and we had a bunch...). Nobody could get close to her, much less pick her up. Until she nibbled on a offering to Freyja during our wedding ceremony - a kinswoman fetched her off the harrow. We're not ones to ignore an omen like that, and she's not been outdoors since that day.

Literally. While Moonbeam is wont to escape at the slightest opportunity (and bother birds, but that's another story), PK won't even let herself be easily carried out of the house: the cat carrier is a rockin' when we try!

So that's PK's tale. She's still pretty shy around strangers, but not with us. She's not spoiled, either, despite the crocheted "cat mat" she's resting on...

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