Tue, 01 Feb 2011

So far, so good...

Power has been very spotty, but so far we've managed to go without many multiple hour outages. That's good: if the stock tank freezes solid we'll be in deep doo-doo. We have a generator, and gas to power it, so if worst comes to worst we can keep things frost free for a while. But we're hoping that worst doesn't come to worst, and so far that prognosis seems to be holding.

Right now the weather is very strange - it's ice pellets, mostly, with the odd snowflake cast in the mix. I drove to the station earlier and the roads are terrible - consequently there's virtually no traffic at all. The wind is picking up, and with the blowing ice pellets it's kinda like taking a stroll in a sandblaster. Painful.

The large animals are holding their own, but the chickens are very confused. Lights out, they roost. Ten minutes later, it's morning again! The darkness.... wait, morning! It'll be a week before we get eggs again!

The storm is supposed to pass over completely by 7am, so I guess we've only got another twelve hours or so to hang in - shouldn't be a problem. But the aftermath may be very interesting indeed.

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