What a week ...

It's been a long time time since I've been through the travails of a "release week", and I've never been through one like this one. I've shipped a lot of code in my time, but this week, well, this was special. The code was supposed to ship a week ago - we finally "burned gold" last night at 5:30.

As if the pressure of shipping code wasn't enough, I discovered last Monday that my little red S10 has a burned out a clutch. And, oh, by the way, the water pump picked the same time to go kaput. That'll set me back about a grand, an expense that I'm certainly not prepared for - and won't be prepared for for a couple of weeks. So I borrowed my mom's car and have been driving that back and forth to work. A major pain - still haven't figured out how to deliver 70 dozen eggs from the back of a 1989 Dodge K-car.

At the Tuesday status meting another bombshell fell. The lead developer at my work is leaving, effective a week from today. Which puts me in the rather uniques position of being the senior PC software engineer for the division - having been there a little over 3 months. Supervising a codebase in excess of a million lines. Whew! Most of in written using MFC and Visual Studio, two technologies that I cordially despise. Joy.

On the plus side, that means we'll be transiting to some rational, maintainable technology, like Delphi, C++ Builder or C# (if corporate insists on staying with M$).

Wednesday we ran into the show stopper bug from Hel (of course) - it was a dependency issue with machines that had installed IE7, and I literally worked 20 straight hours to resolve it. But resolve it I did.

When I got home last night at about 6:30, I discovered the goats were out, and about a mile away south. A huge hole in the back fence - the little bastards will have to spend today in the barn, until I can get out to fix it tonight. Assuming it stops raining.

And tomorrow, my eldest daughter is moving in with me, planning on staying until July, when she finally get some professional license issues resolved and can move to Chicago. She'll have the spare room, and I'm really looking forward to it, but it'll be stressful, no doubt.

There's a lot of things I'd like to blog about - I've been saving clips all week - and maybe I'll get to some in a few minutes. Or over the weekend. Or maybe I'll just sleep in until next Friday.

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