Fri, 12 Aug 2005

Britney to drop sprog on live TV?

I had to read this, despite being completely uninterested in celebrity gossip of any sort. Why? Because I had to discover exactly what Ms. Spears was going to drop on live TV ... what the Hel is a "sprog"?

What I got for my trouble was a nearly unintelligible article written ostensibly in English, proving George Bernard Shaw's point when he said that America and England are "two countries divided by a common language".

Britney Spears' squeeze Kevin Federline wants the highly-talented chanteuse to drop her sprog on live TV, a breathless Yahoo! reports. Britney is due to eject her bun in October, and young Kev reckons - in the wake of the couple's recent ratings flop Chaotic - that the sight of the pop sensation, legs akimbo, grunting her Hollywood rugrat into the world might prove an audience-puller.

(link) [The Register]

/Humor | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 8/12/2005 11:44:47
Kathryn wrote

On 8/12/2005 12:04:21
Dave H wrote

But ...


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