Methinks someone ought to remind this bureaucrat of the name of the city in which he holds his position ... I lived in the Twin Cities are for three years and, as a heathen, was deeply offended to have the capital of my adopted state named after some Christian theologian! I suggest that they change the name of the city in question to "East Minneapolis" to avoid giving further offense... (and you'd probably have to live in the cities to know how offensive natives of St. Paul would find that suggestion!).
As far as I can tell, in Christian theology it wasn't the bunny that rose from the dead in any event: bunnies are a pagan symbol of spring, just like evergreen trees are a pagan symbol of the Yuletide. I think I'm beginning to see a pattern here: it's a War on Pagans!
A toy rabbit decorating the entrance of the St. Paul City Council offices went hop-hop-hoppin' on down the bunny trail Wednesday after the city's human rights director said non-Christians might be offended by it.
(link) [St. Paul Pioneer Press]
via U.S. News & World Report
and only barely in the 'Humor' category ...
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