Fri, 22 Jul 2005

Wife influences husband's marijuana use during first year of marriage

Another Study in Stupidity ... note that the "researchers" saw the obvious, but only noted it in passing:

"Substance use tends to decline as individuals progress through their 20s," Leonard added. "This may be a part of the maturing process, but it also reflects periods of transition in life, such as marriage with its increased responsibilities."

They even correlated this bit of obviousness:

The researchers said their findings may not generalize to other young adults who use drugs and are not married.

And yet they still maintain that the results of this survey are valid! How do you spell agenda?

While it's the husband among newlywed couples who has more influence on whether the couple engages in heavy drinking, it's the wife who appears to be in the driver's seat when it comes to determining her husband's marijuana use, according to researchers at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA).

(link) [EurekAlert! - Breaking News]

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