Beer Goggles Give View of Alcohol's Effects

Why is this in the "Humor" category? Well, for one thing, at $1000 a pop, the price is downright silly. But mainly:

''The goggles simulate a person having different blood alcohol content levels,'' Ms. Paul said. ''When you're impaired by alcohol, it blurs and distorts your vision, so you think you're walking on the line (in front of you), but you're not actually walking on the line. When you give someone a high-five, you both have blurred vision so participants usually miss each other's hands.''

because they sound like fun!

If you think it is OK to drive after having a few beers, fatal-vision goggles may change your view. Tanya Paul, an intern at the Robins Air Force Base health and wellness center, developed a program called BE AWARE (Basic Education of Alcohol: What to drink, Ability to drive, Risk and Effects). It is designed to educate Airmen and the community on the effects of alcohol through special eyewear.

(link) [Science Blog]

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