Mon, 24 May 2004

Age Discrimination, Indian-Style

Yet another bit of nonsense from companies moving operations overseas - I guess that we "older workers" aren't very relevent anymore, even while we're making up an increasing percentage of the US workforce. Or perhaps it's precisely because of that, and because we are unwilling to work like dogs for peanuts.

In April, IBM CEO Samuel Palmisano told investors Big Blue hopes to dodge an estimated $6 billion in liability stemming from a judge's ruling that IBM violated U.S. federal age discrimination laws. In May, IBM closes on its $150-$200MM purchase of Indian outsourcer Daksh, whose age requirements for job applicants make Logan's Run seem progressive. On its Opportunities page, Daksh states that Customer Care Specialists should be between 21-25 years of age and Team Leaders should be no older than 27. Early Daksh investors included Citigroup and we-don't-need-no-stinking-unions Amazon.

(link) [Slashdot]

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