Mon, 20 Mar 2006

Alcohol-branded merchandise associated with early teen drinking

Joe CamelCall this the "Joe Camel Syndrome", and look for it everywhere. George Orwell called it "crimethink", as ideas are even more dangerous than actions. Jimmy Carter got it from Playboy: he committed adultery in his heart, and that was apparently as bad as screwing some bimbo while Roselyn watched!

Ultimately, it's not just free speech these people are after: it's free thought that they see as the ultimate enemy of "a safe and healthy society". And that's the problem. I don't particularly want "a safe and healthy society" : I want a free one. And ne'er the twain shall meet.

Young adolescents who own t-shirts, hats and other merchandise with an alcohol brand name on it are more likely to begin drinking than kids who do not own these items, according to a study by Dartmouth Medical School researchers.

(link) [EurekAlert!]

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