Thu, 02 Dec 2004

Arrests at Saudi reformers' trial

Ah yes, Saudi Arabia, proud member of the "Free World":

Ali al-Demaini, Matruq al-Faleh and Abdullah al-Hamed are accused of campaigning for political change and a constitutional monarchy.

They are also charged with collecting signatures for a petition demanding change.

Why does US foreign policy so stridently condemn Cuba for the same types of abuses and yet remain nearly silent on these outrageous actions by some of the last absolute monarchs on earth? When was the last time Castro sponsored terrorist groups? How many of the 9/11 hijackers were citizens of that bucolic island paradise? What could possibly account for the difference in US treatment of these two repressive regimes? Here's a hint - it's a single world, three letters long, and it starts with 'o' and ends with 'l'.

Nine people are detained after access is denied to a Saudi court trying three reformists, witnesses say.

(link) [BBC News | World | UK Edition]

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