Sat, 17 Dec 2005

Bush: Eavesdropping Helps Save U.S. Lives

Well, banning automobiles would save American lives, too. But of course, we won't do that - because the price is way too high.

Ditto for sic'ing the NSA on American citizens and their communications. In fact, the price for this bit of evil is higher than the cost we'd incur for banning cars, because the price we'll pay if we let this continue will be our liberty, for which many have fought and many have died.

Our Constitution says that "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated...". It doesn't say "sometimes", it doesn't say "if it saves lives". It says "shall not be violated". That's pretty cut and dried. Obviously, Mr. Bush isn't as much of a textual literalist as his choice in judges would lead us to believe. He may be opposed to legislating from the bench, but he's all for legislating from the Oval Office.

Frankly, this is a far more egregious offense than was Mr. Clinton's blowjob - this actually qualifies as "high Crimes and Misdemeanors". If Congress had any cojones at all, there'd be a Bill of Impeachment before the House on Monday morning.

AP - Facing angry criticism and challenges to his authority in Congress, President Bush on Saturday unapologetically defended his administration's right to conduct secret post-Sept. 11 spying in the U.S. as "critical to saving American lives."

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On 12/18/2005 12:28:51
Steven wrote


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