Mon, 27 Sep 2004

Christians Use Gay Marriage to Seek Voters (AP)

If these guys don't scare you yet, consider this quote from Bill Thompson, national field coordinator for the Christian Coalition:

"Never allow the enemy to block you," Thomson urged them. "Get around them, run over the top of them, destroy them — whatever you need to do so that God's word is the word that is being practiced in Congress, town halls and state legislatures."

This election is rapidly devolving into a referendum on the emerging theocracy in America: we can stop it now, or fight it in the streets later. It's our choice.

AP - Christian conservatives are casting a wider net this year in their search for likely voters — especially conservative ones — by asking people on the phone how they feel about same-sex marriage as well as their views on abortion, a standard question in previous election cycles.

(link) [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

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