Sun, 28 May 2006

Constitutional Squabble May Have Earlier Roots

The hypocrisy of these Congressional "leaders" is simply staggering. They've repeatedly voted, over the course of the last five years, to surveil, wiretap, search and even imprison American citizens without so much as a judge being aware the the authorities were investigating anything, much less a warrant.

But they consider it a grave constitutional crisis when a judge issues a warrant in support of an ongoing investigation of one of their own, even if the target's an "evil liberal" Democrat who was caught hiding bribe cash in his freezer!

So the only place in America that still has anything resembling Constitutional rights is apparently the halls of Congress, and the only Americans still to be protected from the depredations of an Administration run amok are sitting members.

And to Hel with the rest of us.

Speaker J. Dennis Hastert is trying to move past a showdown over the search of a lawmaker's office. But many on Capitol Hill believe the fight will resonate.

(link) [NYT > Home Page]

/Politics | 1 writeback | permanent link

On 5/30/2006 07:14:39
Arwin wrote

Politburo has more democracy


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