Fri, 30 Jan 2009

FDA panel recommends ban on the painkiller Darvon

My mom's taken Darvocet since the accident (1992). It's been the only painkiller that actually works for her - and she's 85 now. What do you suppose her doc will suggest as an alternative? Oxycontin?

This is the agency that whisked Vioxx through, yet it's been suggested many times that aspirin couldn't get approved today. Morons.

AP - Government advisers are recommending a ban on Darvon, a painkiller that's been around for 50 years. A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted 14-12 Friday to recommend withdrawing Darvon after a hearing on its risks and benefits. The drug was first approved in 1957, when there were few alternatives for pain except aspirin and powerful narcotics.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

/Politics | 1 writeback | permanent link

On 1/30/2009 19:56:18
Jennifer wrote



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