Mon, 28 Jul 2008

For Many Student Athletes, Game Over

I'm not going to shed any crocodile tears for the loss of high school jocks - I've always questioned the propriety the sports in educational facilities. But what really caught my eye was this:

“In a No Child Left Behind era, all nonmath, nonreading classes have been cut back,” he [Stewart Trost] said.

Music and art are being dropped at an alarming rate, right alongside of (or, in most cases before) the basketball team. Standardized tests have become counter-productive, decreasing the ability of schools to educate rather than enhancing it.

As cash-strapped school districts across the nation scale back sports programs, some fear that the tradition of the scholar athlete is at risk.

(link) [New York Times]

/Politics | 1 writeback | permanent link

On 7/31/2008 11:07:06
Walter Jeffries wrote


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