Fri, 23 Jul 2004

Democrats Defend the Republic, Republicans Defend Democracy

The bill (HR 3313) is a blatently unconstitutional attempt to strip the judiciary of it's power to review. It seems that

a parade of conservative Republican speakers lamented the unbridled power of federal judges to thwart majority will

Here's some news for them: that's the whole point of having a Constitutional republic as opposed to an open democracy. It's designed to protect minority rights from the 'will of the majority'.

Didn't these congresscritters take Civics 101 in high school? Did they sleep through the part about seperation of powers?

Do they understand the 'full faith and credit' clause of the Constitution (Article IV)? That's the part that makes us one nation, under god(s) or not, rather than a mere confederation of 50 soverign statelets.

I honestly wonder if they know what they're doing: trying to use their "social conservative" agenda to gut the Constitution and destroy the Republic.

AP - Stung by a Senate setback on gay marriage, Republicans passed legislation in the House Thursday to prevent federal courts from ordering states to recognize same-sex unions sanctioned elsewhere.

(link) [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

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