Mon, 11 Feb 2008

Huckabee protests Washington results

I'm no fan of Rev. Scudder, but he does have a point here. The party machine seems to be playing favorites: just ask Ron Paul.

And lest we conclude that only one party pulls these kind of stunts, we should also talk to Denis the Menace.

Anyone who still thinks that hanging chads were a one time aberration in American elections just hasn't been paying attention.

AP - Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is crying foul after John McCain's apparent victory in the Washington caucuses on Saturday.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

/Politics | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 2/14/2008 14:56:13
Mark Rouse wrote

On 2/14/2008 15:32:13
Mark Rouse wrote


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