Sun, 30 Oct 2005

Michael Barone: Spurning America

Not sure I agree with all of his conclusions, but an interesting look at the role of tradition and history in the political life of the United States, and an explanation of why so many of our "cultural elites" seem to be "anti-American". Fascinating stuff, really.

Army Special Forces Soldiers, as my U.S. News colleague Linda Robinson writes in her riveting book, Masters of Chaos, are very much aware of "the tradition of their military history." On the eve of a difficult mission, "more than one soldier went to sleep hoping that the next days would prove him a worthy member of that lineage." That's one reason the military maintains old units, so that soldiers will be motivated to match the deeds of those who came before and prove worthy to those who come after.

(link) [U.S. News & World Report]

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