Tue, 01 Aug 2006

The Real Issue With Net Neutrality

This is a real problem with lots of technical issues being discussed in Congress. They just don't get it: suggesting that Google wouldn't have a bandwidth bill if Net neutrality is enshrined in legislation is ludicrous... but I'm sure we could all find many more example of clueless Congresscritters pontificating on things they know nothing about.

TechDirt brings into focus one of the largest problems in the net neutrality debate, not the issues themselves, rather it's the people involved and the lies they like to sling. An example of this is certainly the number of lobbyists that are being looked to as 'experts' and getting their opinions published as such. One specific example was a recent piece published in the Baltimore Sun by Mike McCurry, a lobbyist working for AT&T who claimed that with new legislation working for net neutrality Google wouldn't have to pay a dime. In response, TechDirt has suggested that McCurry should swap telco bills with Google, somehow I doubt it will happen.

(link) [Slashdot]

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