Fri, 30 Dec 2005

US government warns it's running out of cash

Hmmm, do you think things have really changed with this "conservative" regime? Remember Gingrich in 1994?

Gingrich had a different spin on the standoff. "We were elected to get rid of all the phony promises and the phony excuses and to be honest with the American people and say to them, 'You want to balance the budget? You want to save your children and grandchildren, you want to have lowered interest rates, you want to have lower taxes?' We can do it. It is not easy. It takes hard decisions. But we have to have a dialog among ourselves and it has to be honest."

When Newt made the above statement the national debt stood at less than $5 trillion. If Bush gets his way, the debt will stand at nearly double that by the end of 2006.

I wonder what conservative Republicans are conserving here? It's certainly not our tax dollars...

AFP - Treasury Secretary John Snow has warned that unless Congress raises the national debt limit, the US government will run out of cash to finance its daily work in two months.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

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