Mon, 06 Jun 2011

Underground Website Lets You Buy Any Drug Imaginable

Fascinating on several levels - BitCoin, Tor and the admin's political philosophy:

Silk Road’s administrator cites the anarcho-libertarian philosophy of Agorism. “The state is the primary source of violence, oppression, theft and all forms of coercion,” Silk Road wrote to us. “Stop funding the state with your tax dollars and direct your productive energies into the black market.”

Nice to know there's other agorists out there! Of course the State already sees the threat. And their toadies are playing along. This could get interesting ...

Making small talk with your pot dealer sucks. Buying cocaine can get you shot. What if you could buy and sell drugs online like books or light bulbs? Now you can: Welcome to Silk Road.

(link) [Wired]

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